APRS2SOTA Contact/FeedBack Form

This form is to contact the Webmaster with comments about the site or the APRS2SOTA Service, including: reporting problems with information on the site, as well as ideas for changes or additional features.

Note: I DO NOT respond to messages offering to sell me anything or to promote anything, most message of this type are blocked by my email provider(s)

Your Call:   {Optional}
Your Name:   {Required}
Your Email:   {Required} Please ensure that you specify a valid address that can accept replies.
Subject:   {Required}

  1. If you wish to be contacted about your Feedback please indicate this in your message
  2. To register for access to the APRS2SOTA spotting service it better to email me (Please allow 2-3 days for a response before re-sending requests)
  3. From time to time messages entered via this form are marked as SPAM (by my ISP or other email servers) and so may not reach me, if you requested a response and have not heard anything within a few days then please try emailing me directly using the address shown at the bottom of the site
Stewart Wilkinson G0LGS
(Last update: Sun 19th May 2024)